Monday, February 13, 2006

You can't fail

Welcome to Febuary! Its my birthday this month (21st) and once again, I find myself analyzing my life. I have a little ritual that I like to do as I approach my birthday: I take a few days' vacation by myself to reflect on the previous year and generally do what most people do on New Year's eve/day. This year, however, the usual apprehension and anxiety seem to be missing from the equation. I finally feel as though I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am meant to be. Do you know that feeling? I may still have a long way to go, but at least I know I am facing the right direction! As a result, I am now tucked away somewhere in sunny England, reflecting on the years of turmoil brought about by self-doubt, pain and loss that I endured before finally deciding to go for broke and follow my own dreams; and making concrete plans for the next phase. So, to all of you out there still striving for your ideal life, to those still carrying around their dream of a better life in their hearts, to those who have risen up yet again after a setback, to you I dedicate this week's quote. This Week’s Quote
"The secret of success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill. How to Overcome the Fear of Failure
Are you afraid of failure? Does any of the following sound like you: you back out of projects because of what people might say? You refuse to consider a business idea because you once had a business that folded up? You stay in a dead-end job because 'a bird in hand is better than two in the bush'? You wont trust your partner because of a previous bad experience with an ex? Or maybe even something silly like returning a fashion item because you felt 'guilty'?We all each have an inner critic even as we have an inner champion. The trouble is, the critic is usually more vocal and persistent. It is your job to shut it up!Ask yourself this: what is your biggest fear? Is it that you will be criticized by others? Maybe laughed at or judged unfairly? Is it losing money or even making money? The fear of failure can show up in very unexpected areas of our lives. I once had a client who spent all of her time and energy making sure that no one ever thought she was a bad mother - and she succeeded. A divorced mother of three, she took her kids on frequent holidays and they always had the latest toys. What no one knew was that she was in serious debt because of it. It took almost a year for her to finally realize that she had a fear of failure and that she needed help.Let me ask you again: What are you afraid of? Really take a moment and ask yourself this. How might this fear be holding you back? If you are in transition, the liberating thing is that, chances are, you have already failed at something - so at least you can give yourself a break! It is better to fail at something and be a success in your life as a whole, than to be a success in something and be a failure in life.Whatever you are afraid of failing at does not constitute your entire life, so put things in perspective. So what if your last attempt to run your own business failed? There is nothing to stop you from venturing into business again. You can learn from your mistakes and get the right support before going into business this time around. Successful people never venture into anything without very strong support in place. Join a mastermind group. Hire a coach. Get a business mentor – anything to ensure that when you go out there, you are not all alone.This week, I challenge you to begin to lay the foundations for a successful future. Put some effort into it. Invest in it. Put the past behind you. It’s never too late to create a successful life.

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