Monday, February 13, 2006

You will get there

Before an eagle is even born, they actually have a small tooth on their beak and that helps them to break out of the egg. If anyone tries to help that eagle chick to escape, it will probably not survive because breaking through the shell is the tenacity and the fight that the eagle needs to make it in life.
(a)The higher you climb, the better the view- keeps going on, never say stop;
It is only with courage and a will to win that can make us reach the summit one day.

(b) A traveler in Africa saw one of the large butterflies of the tropics struggling to free itself from the cocoon. He pitied it and with his knife cut, the cords at which it was straining. It was released but all the brilliant coloring was gone! The struggle was necessary to make the color appear. As you gain the victory over trial and adversity, you will see beautiful colors and qualities come from your life. People who never had difficulties or problems tend to be very shallow.

(c)Great trials are often necessary to prepare us for great responsibilities. The nest is a period when you begin to have food and shelter along course to maturity, the difficulties, problems and setback we have in life are required for our development.

As a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, from rich home or poor home, it is always too soon to quit.
Whatever mountain you have to climb like an eagle, whatever burden you have to carry, whatever problems you are facing and whatever trials and difficulties surrounds you, it is too soon to quit. If you want to move from the nest to maturity in life, then never give up.
Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. The greatest failure in life is to stop trying.
The tougher the job, the greater the reward. No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself. Perhaps, it is time for you to leave the comfort zone of egg. Sure breaking through the shell is tough and life outside is going to be tougher but life with all its excitement and rewards lie ahead.

To make it in life, you need the following:

Vision: Eagles have remarkably developed eyesight which includes both sideways and binocular vision. The eyes are not fully at nest (birth) but develop with maturity. It can readily identify its prey from about 1 mile. Its eyes adjust quickly and accurately with depth of field and focus.
A dynamic life is fired by vision. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it.
Once you catch that beam of sunshine in your eyes, once you catch the vision of the full potential of your life, then you will really begin to fly. Visible sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.
Seun onih.
Know 3 vital things about vision.

(a) Vision creates power: Enthusiasm is produced from vision and the power from enthusiasm is the energy that drives every successful idea.
(b) Great vision comes from being quite still, often alone, to spend time in solitude and reflection.
(c) Never allow your vision to escape you: Just as a fire will die without fuel, so too will your visions and dreams unless you keep them constantly alive. Your vision should be part of what you are living with day by day.

Focus: When an eagle locates its prey, it develops singleness of mind and purpose. From that moment, every part of its powerful beautiful body is locked into line with the focus of those keen eyes.
Don’t zigzag through life. You are now switching from sail power to engine power in reaching your destination. Focus will take you to where you want to go, but watch out for distractions such as;

(a) Obstacles: These are the things you see when you take your eyes off the goals. If you come to a mountain, climb on it, go round it, and turn through it. Don’t allow it to stop you but let it make you and develop you.
(b) Criticism: If you are in the frontline, you will be the first to get shot at. Of course, you will be criticized but eagles would never trade places with a turkey. If criticism is leveled at you, analyze it. If there is something you can learn that will help you, use it, otherwise throw it behind you and keep going.
(c) Circumstances: History is filled with inspiring stories of those who fought against the odds and won. Don’t allow health, ethnic background, where you‘re born, lack of education and other factors to hinder you. Just make up your mind and fly. Focus on your dreams by controlling your time. When an eagle is on the attack, it does not have time at that moment to look on another valley closer or farther. This is focus time. Time is your most valuable personal resource. Use it wisely because it can not be replaced.


An eagle’s nest is usually pierced in the highest trees and located in the most remote, unattainable spot that any bird can find. In the face of storms, fires, blizzards earthquakes- no matter how often the nest is destroyed, the eagle rebuilds continually until he succeeds, he never looks back to past failure, that goal that vision imprinted deeply within him.

Benefits of Goalsetting

(a) Goals simplify the decision-making process.
(b) Goals tune mental and physical health.
(c) Goals generate respect. People admire and look up to a person who knows where he’s going.
(d) Goals help you to realize and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.
(e) Goals deliver you from living in the past.


Sense of Humour: Eagles indulge themselves in the very joy and thrill of living. They often soar and wheel about the sky diving and zooming through the clouds for sheer joy and pleasure.
(a) Count your Blessings: Learn to count your blessings and not your burdens. Move to Bangladesh where it floods their house regularly or Kenya where you walk in big slums or Russia where communism controls them. One of the biggest problems of the western world is an ungrateful spirit. So, develop a grateful attitude.
(b) Learn to live in the Now: Many times, we think of the future that we tend to forget to enjoy now. Do not procrastinate. Do what is supposed to be done now for delay is dangerous.
(c) The great key to real joy is serving others. Some people are bad spellers; they spell “service”- “serve us”! Life is a double win. The more we help others, the further we all go. Seek to help and rescue souls from their problems. Be a solution to your friends, colleagues, mates and family. They will appreciate you because service to humanity is service to God.

Eagles are magnificent creatures. It is one of the largest and most powerful birds in the world. Eagles are seen as the king of the birds, the symbol of the conqueror. In Australia, they can knock kangaroos and small sheep from cliff tops. With boldness and courage, they attack animals much larger than themselves. When the wind is especially favourable, golden eagles are believed to be able to carry prey weighing as much as their own weight to their nest.

Characteristics of Eagles

(a) Speed
(b) Strength
(c) Power
(d) Majesty
(e) Boldness
(f) Courage
(g) Pride
(h) Ferocity

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