Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Microsoft New Window Product Activation

Microsoft’s new Windows Product Activation presents support techs with all sorts of new challenges,including the need to have a valid product key toinstall, or reinstall, Windows XP on workstations. Butwhat do you do if you can’t find the CD with theoriginal key that matches the machine you’re workingon? You can discover the key using ViewKeyXP.Why you need to know your product keyFor years, Microsoft has (quite legitimately) beenconcerned about piracy issues surrounding itsproducts. In an effort to combat this, it came up withthe concept of Windows Product Activation. When youinstall Windows XP on a workstation, you must enter a25-digit code from the original Windows XP CD duringSetup. Setup takes this information, mixes it withinformation it derives from the hardware configurationof the workstation, and creates a code that it sendsto Microsoft to validate the installation.This can cause problems for support techs, becauseeach product key can be used only one time. After thekey has been activated, it can’t be used on anotherworkstation unless you’re using a Volume-Licensedversion of Windows XP. That means each Windows XPworkstation in your organization has a differentproduct key.If you try to reinstall Windows XP and don’t have youroriginal product key or CD, you can’t simply borrowone from another workstation. Normally, you’d have toobtain a new product key, meaning a new purchase ofWindows XP. Naturally, you don’t want to do thatbecause you already have a copy of XP—you’re justmissing the valid key that goes with your workstation.That’s where ViewKeyXP comes in handy.When bad software goes goodIn reality, ViewKeyXP is a hacker tool used to revealWindows XP product keys. But just because it can beused maliciously doesn’t mean that you can’t use itfor good.ViewKeyXP performs a reverse hash on the Product IDthat you find in the Registered To box when youright-click My Computer and select Properties. Takingthis number, ViewKeyXP deciphers and displays youroriginal product key. You can then write this numberdown and reinstall Windows XP. When prompted, all youhave to do is reenter this number and you’re ready togo.Other Windows software uses product keys, butViewKeyXP won’t help you find those keys. It worksonly with Windows XP. However, it will reveal theproduct key no matter what version of Windows XPyou’re running: Home, Professional, or the CorporateEdition.Obtaining and using ViewKeyXPYou can find ViewKeyXP on the Internet by doing asimple Google Search. Be very careful when youdownload it. Because it is a hacker tool and notsupported by any legitimate organization, don’t besurprised if the version you’ve download has a virusembedded in it. If you choose to download the file,make sure you scan it with an updated virus-scanningprogram before using it.In today’s world of setup wizards and multi-megabytedownloads, ViewKeyXP is amazingly simple. The fileitself, Viewkeyxp.exe, is small—only 32 KB. There isno installation program. Just run the program, eitherfrom the command line or by double-clicking it fromthe folder you downloaded it to. When you do, yourproduct key will appear as shown in Figure A. (Ichanged my product key in this image for securityreasons.)Figure AViewKeyXP makes it easy to find your original XPProduct Key.It doesn’t get much easierThat’s all there is to it. Write down the number andthen you can reinstall Windows XP, or place the key ina database where you won’t lose it. ViewKeyXP is ahandy hacker tool to keep in your software utility toolbox.

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