It is very alarming, shameful or rather painful that Nigeria, a country that claims to have dedicated and enlightened leaders, does not know its problem let alone knowing the cause of it. It is really annoying and embarrassing too that a country of 47 years old still wallows in confusion over the root of its problems. One of which is its youths.
We all know that youth is the life-wire of any society. Whether this country believe it or not, the age bracket of 18 to 55, 60 is the prime bracket of every society. The country, if care is not taken, as we see today, lacks tomorrow. Don’t misunderstand this. Or if there is a tomorrow for this country, it is the tomorrow of a selected few, by a selected family.
Probably the family of the selected few that are on it now. We say God forbid. But a word with our youths, mostly those job-seekers we see in the streets with their files fastened to them, will make us doubt a brighter tomorrow. Some of these youths have lost hope and confidence in themselves just because the frustration and discrimination meted out to them by their leaders.
The question is: where are we going from here, as a country? I know this question is repeatedly asked but the answer remains unsupplied. A good leader of any nation should be a leader that knows how to exploit and tap the strength of its youth to enrich the nation and at the same time, make its youths fulfilled. Mr. President’s first priority should be how to utilize the human resources at his disposal.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dilemma of the Nigerian Youth
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7:49 AM